
The better world team

High-levelprofessionals ,committed to a better world
AAA+ The founder | Fabienne Revillard

Deeply convinced that the human being is fundamental and that accomplished people contribute strongly not only to the success of their company(ies), but also to a better world, Fabienne Revillard founded AAA+ Coaching & Formation in 2007, and specializes as Coach, Traatrice and Business Mentor.

For years she has been helping people and organisations to flourish, to achieve what inspires them, to develop a richer life and to make a positive difference, whether on a small or large scale.

With extensive experience in recruiting top-level coaches thanks to the Samedis du Coaching program she founded in 2009, Fabienne Revillard decided in 2021 to set up "The Better World Team".

"The Better World Team" brings together Expert Coaches who are deeply committed to people and who want to contribute to a better world.

The professionals selected in "The Better World Team" contribute

  • by helping their clients to achieve their goals,
  • helping them to improve their business(es) from a human, societal and environmental point of view
  • or by guiding managers to develop an ever more positive impact on the world.

Trained in the art of presence by Eckhart Tolle, Fabienne Revillard has a high level of corporate experience (over ten years' experience in multinationals in managerial and executive positions).

She reinforced this experience in 2002 with a certification fromIMD Lausanne on team dynamics in boards of directors and executive committees.

Moreover, certified by the University of California (Berkeley, USA) in neuroscience, positive psychology and evolutionary biology around the theme of the science of happiness, she combines the skills of these two professional fields (mental - business), by acting

  • on deepening awareness and accelerating talent development,
  • while being fully qualified on the fundamental issues of the company (strategic-operational levels, internal-external policy).

With an initial Master's degree in International Relations (IHEID, Geneva) and a diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Development from the University of Geneva's executive program, Fabienne Revillard has always been fascinated by the way systems and organizations work, and the search for their optimal functioning.

With many years of experience in human and business development, including thousands of hours of coaching and business mentoring, and hundreds of training and team facilitation interventions, Fabienne Revillard is now convinced that much more can be done to promote human fulfilment and the social and environmental contribution of companies, while boosting their success.

From her experience, she concludes that

- although a top-down approach is essential,

  • by strengthening corporate governance and the internal positioning of managers and leaders,
  • as well as the efficiency of the company's operations,

- A combination with a bottom-up approach (empowerment of employees on their own development and performance) ensures an even more comprehensive and sustainable success.

The Better World Team


Fabienne Revillard

"Accompanying people to discover and develop their potential, to go beyond their limits, to connect in depth with themselves and their environment, in order to enable meaningful decisions, actions, behaviors and states of being, is my way of contributing to a better society and world.


Alain Giannattasio

"Lighting the way, a little like a lantern, leaving everyone free to make their own choices
with the best possible understanding of the environment, the options available and the
meaning. That's how I see my job".


Laurence Levy

"A time for oneself and for taking stock
Provoke change or welcome it as an opportunity
Get to know yourself better, become aware of your strengths
Overcome your fears to take action
To blossom
Offering all this at the same time to the people I accompany is the mission I have set myself, my way of having a positive impact on society.


Aurore Chavernac

"My vision of coaching is to foster greater self-awareness, raise enlightening awareness, facilitate the exploration of new options, and stimulate motivating and ambitious action.
I'm keen to pass on the keys to reconciling well-being and performance, because that's how I make a positive contribution to society."


Sabine Pellarin

"Helping everyone discover their true nature, to blossom and contribute to the world with their unique talents, this is what has driven me for years and is the basis of my coaching approach."

Eric Maire
Eric Maire

Eric Maire

"In a world that is increasingly complex and fraught with pitfalls, where the legal has unfortunately taken over from common sense, I intelligently guide and coach entrepreneurs in their governance and strategies. For those who sit on boards of directors, or work in operations."

Are you an executive, director, manager, co-worker, entrepreneur, project leader, student or currently unemployed?

We adapt our professional support to you.

coaching is a fabulous profession! Participating in human progress is a grace, an honor! Let's work together to make the world a better place...

Fabienne Revillard


Let’s find out how to work together and create something meaningful and valuable

coaching individual/team/consulting sessions with a certified professional,

with several years of experience in the field of

What we offer

we keep our word - we are highly experienced - we achieve high quality